MANTILITY’s “Make Some Noise” @Amsterdam, The Netherlands

About The Netherlands

Dutch design has received international acclaim, with the design company Droog Design leading the way, while Dutch architecture was made world famous by Rem Koolhaas. Thanks to Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Mondrian and Cobra, the Netherlands was traditionally known as the ‘land of the painters’. What is striking about modern fine arts, however, is the large diversity of media and styles. Many Dutch e-culture organisations are literally pushing back frontiers, among which the functionally pioneering Waag society, the activist Mediamatic and the conceptual V_2. Their tangible and immaterial heritage has many manifestations, and insight into their common cultural heritage contributes to the understanding of history as well as modern political developments.

About MANTILITY’s “Make Some Noise” by Fani Boukouvala – Skoulikidi

The scarf depicts colourful silhouettes of humans and animals, but can be also viewed from a distance as an abstract garland, mimicking traditional patterns, or fringes of a woven fabric. Firstly, a personal visual identity is created on paper, with silhouettes made of several materials (pencil, pen, watercolours, plastic paint). These are then multiplied digitally to create a new, complete composition.

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together..” 

Vincent van Gogh, painter

Get your “Make Some Noise” here


Photos by SnapShot Studio Photography